First recipient of the Linguistic Society of America’s Language in Practice Award 2025
One of first 3 people inducted into the Clarity Hall of Fame
Christine Mowat Plain Language Achievement Award
Plain Language Association International, 2023
Lifetime Achievement Award
User Experience Professionals’ Association, 2013
Rudolph J. Joenk Award for the best paper in the 2010 IEEEĀ Transactions on Professional Communication
IEEE Professional Communication Society, 2011
Ken R. Rainey Award for Excellence in Research
Society for Technical Communication, 2008
Outstanding Plain Language Leader in the Private Sector
Center for Plain Language, 2005
Myron L. White Award
University of Washington, 2005
President’s Award
Society for Technical Communication, 2004
Alfred N. Goldsmith Award
IEEE Professional Communication Society, 2001
President’s Award
Usability Professionals’ Association, 2000
Society for Technical Communication, 1998
Rigo Award
ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication, 1995