Janice (Ginny) Redish, Ph.D.
Praise for Letting Go of the Words
“Ginny Redish’s Letting Go of the Words is the most important book on the shelves of anyone who creates websites that have words on them.” — Jared Spool
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design
Practical ideas and techniques for getting out to see and work with users before you design the product.
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing
An extremely practical introduction to usability, to incorporating usability throughout design and development, and to all aspects of usability testing.
Read, discuss, listen, and learn
How to Test the Usability of Documents, information on 3 useful techniques from Caroline Jarrett and me, UXmatters, May 4, 2020
Readability Formulas: 7 Reasons to Avoid Them and What to Do Instead, by Caroline Jarrett and me, UXmatters, July 29, 2019
Putting our work in context, a history of plain language, U.S. Government’s Plain Language Summit, 2018, YouTube, Minutes 13:18 to 1:04:31
Content as Conversation, Lara Fedoroff of UXRadio interviews Ginny, 2017, podcast, 36 minutes
Applying research to practice – Understanding users, conference keynote, 2016, slide set
Honing Your Usability Testing Skills, a full-day workshop on how to plan, conduct, analyze, and report a usability test, 2014 (slightly updated 2021), slide set

Janice (Ginny) Redish, Ph.D.
Praise for Letting Go of the Words
“Ginny Redish’s Letting Go of the Words is the most important book on the shelves of anyone who creates web sites that have words on them.” — Jared Spool
User and Task Analysis for Interface Design
Practical ideas and techniques for getting out to see and work with users before you design the product.
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing
An extremely practical
introduction to usability, to incorporating usability throughout design and development, and to all aspects of usability testing.